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Create Your Space To Tell Your Story!

Simply upload your photos, video clips, links, and other content
then receive an associated QR code to print any way you want !

How it Works

Sign up, design your page, generate a personalized QR code, then effortlessly
share your content to reach your audience.

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Create your account

Create an account or log in to get started.
Veryfy the account

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Upload your content

Simply add your photos, videos, text and
links to your page

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Select your subscription level

Choose the Standard subscription for up to 2MB of content or
choose the Premium subscription for up to 10MB of content

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Download your QR Code

Get your QR code printed on anything you like with the reassurance it will always work,
regardless of how many times you update your QR.Space in the future


After creating your QR.Space and making the payment for the selected subscription you will immediately receive your QR code to be downloaded as well as by email. Your QR code will also be available in your Account section.

No special software is required to create your QR.Space . Uploading of content is done via a standard web browser.

The Standard subscription allows uploads up to 2MB while the Premium subscription allows uploads up to 10MB.

To create a WhatsApp link, use the URL format https://wa.me/<number>. Replace <number> with your phone number in international format. Include the country code, and ensure there are no zeroes, brackets, or dashes in the number. For example, if your phone number is +44 9876543210, your WhatsApp link will be https://wa.me/449876543210. You can use this link in your page my social link section to enable users to contact you directly on WhatsApp.